Nabízíme Vám několik možností opracování Vašich výrobků - k dispozici je brousící linka, pásová bruska i ruční broušení.
Technical parameters
- Model
- fully automatic grind line Lissmac
- belt grinder
- manual grinders
We use fully automatic grind line for increase the quality of processing materials to the width 1,5 m. Undisputed positives are:
- extraordinary processing product
- making round of edges including inner contours of tin semi-finished products before lacquering
- removing oxide layers after laser firing
- removing burrs after cutting and shearing
- removing corrosion layer
- reversible grinding of stainless surface
- during using of special grinding belts at planar products there is possibility of brushed or grinded surface
- prolongation lifespan of lacquered parts